Taylor, Shirley, and Peter Todd. 1995. “An Integrated Model of Waste Management Behavior: A Test of Household Recycling and Composting Intentions.” Environment and Behavior 27 (5): 603 -630. doi:10.1177/0013916595275001.
The purpose of this study was to develop and test a model that integrates attitude and behavior in recycling and composting participation. This is called the integrated waste management model. The basic idea is that actual behavior is influenced by several factors. Factors include Attitudinal Belief Structure, Normative Belief Structure and Subjective Norm. Perceived Behavioral Control is the unifying factor between attitude and behavior.
Attitudinal Belief Structure is the belief that the new innovation will supersede the current one. In addition, the new technology may include other benefits such as economic, image enhancement , convenience and satisfaction.
Normative Belief Structures are the social influences such as family, friends and neighbors. These influences can be quite strong.
Control Belief Structure has to do with past experience, lifestyle and values and how they fit with the new innovation. There is also the belief in the ability to carry out the behavior. The stronger the association with the values and personal beliefs, the more likely the innovation will be adopted.
The result for recycling was positively influenced by attitude and perceived behavior but negatively influenced by subjective norm. This suggests that people will deal with personal inconvenience to realize the benefits of recycling if they are adequately informed.
The result for composting was similar with a few differences. The most important difference suggests that the more compatible composting is with one’s lifestyle the less control there is over the decision to compost.
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