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Saturday, April 16, 2011

Schemes in the United Kingdom Collecting Plastic Bottles for Recycling

Simmons, A. J., L. M. Harrison, and D. N. Smith. 1999. A Survey of Schemes in the United Kingdom Collecting Plastic Bottles for Recycling. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 25, no. 1 (January): 17.

This is also a study that addresses recycling policies such as curbside pickup and drop-off recycling, however this deals only with recycling plastic bottles in the United Kingdom. It is also different in that it is original research, as opposed to using other material.

The first thing outlined is the history of mandatory recycling in the United Kingdom, including the laws that were current at the time of the study. This article is over ten years old, and yet recycling had already been mandatory for five years. This is important because it has only been recently that any mandatory recycling has been implemented in the United States and is very sporadic and the exception rather than the rule.

The next thing addressed is the definition of the plastics used and why they differ from each other. There is even a definition of the different types of bins used in curbside pickup. These categories are part of the analysis.

Data was gathered primarily through surveys administered to the authorities in the towns throughout the U.K. but not to individual households. There were also certain demographics (such as income) as well as the overall amounts of recovered plastic and how much of each type. These are easily available from the appropriate government authorities.

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